How do I prevent mould growing on saddles and riding gear?

Regular cleaning and conditioning is the easiest way to prevent mould growth on saddle gear. Always store your gear in a dry, clean storage area and away from damp, humid areas that are ideal places for mould to harvest. It’s also a good idea to store your saddle in a breathable saddle bag once it’s cleaned to keep it clean. You should also dry down your gear after riding in the wet, to remove excess moisture.

Regular cleaning and conditioning is the easiest way to prevent mould growth on saddle gear. Always store your gear in a dry, clean storage area and away from damp, humid areas that are ideal places for mould to harvest. It’s also a good idea to store your saddle in a breathable saddle bag once it’s cleaned to keep it clean. You should also dry down your gear after riding in the wet, to remove excess moisture.