How do I get rid of cat urine smells?

To combat cat and also dog urine odours, you need an enzyme cleaner to break down the urine crystals. While a vinegar and water solution is often recommended, it actually does not have the ability to break down urine crystals and eliminate the odour. Similarly, cleaners with ammonia are not suitable and may even encourage your cat to spray more as cat urine contains high levels of ammonia.

Speak to your pet shop about an enzyme cleaner to break down the urine crystals. You can then use our Oakwood pet odour eliminator which contains ‘monomer esters’, which is an active ingredient that does eliminate a wide range of pet odours on pet coats, bedding, carpets, etc. to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

We also recommend you have a chat to your vet to find a solution to address the spraying problem so wet carpets are a thing of the past.