How do I clean and care for my car’s leather interior?

If your leather interior has never been cleaned before, you will need a Oakwood Leather Cleaner and Protector for deep cleaning to remove any of the dirt, grime, oils, stains and marks that have absorbed into the leather surface. After, you should use Oakwood Hydrating Cream to moisturise, nourish and protect the leather from visible ageing, colour fading, cracking, spills and stains.

If your leather interior has never been cleaned before, you will need a Oakwood Leather Cleaner and Protector for deep cleaning to remove any of the dirt, grime, oils, stains and marks that have absorbed into the leather surface. After, you should use Oakwood Hydrating Cream to moisturise, nourish and protect the leather from visible ageing, colour fading, cracking, spills and stains.